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Sweet June Peach

Sweet June Peach 

By Daisy Dai

There is something so simply serene
about eating a sweet June peach.

Its delicate skin smells summery soft,
decadently light and fragrant.

Its perfume wafts through the air.
You almost wouldn’t notice unless
you put your nose up close,
feeling its sweetness press against
your lips as you inhale.

Barely squeezing, you feel it indent under your
bare fingers.

With care, you
take out your knife and
crave a sliver,
putting the slice in your mouth,
letting it roll around your tongue, streams of juice
dripping down your fingers,
oozing that sweet nectar onto your naked flesh.

It’s so wet and juicy.

You can’t help but go in for another bite,
savoring each piece, slowly cutting in,
wetness continuing to flow
into your hands, down your arms,
dropping onto your thighs,

Playfully, you lick the stream,
striving to stop it, not wanting to waste a single drop, still
knowing there’s too much for your mouth to consume,
knowing it will never taste this tantalizing again.

Because there is nothing like
a sweet June peach,
so pretty, so pink,
a true treat many ignore.

Never underestimate what a good piece of fruit can do for you.

Savor this sweet June peach until the very end.

eating it slowly,
carving out one slice at a time, carefully
letting the juices collect on your plate, gently
licking it from your palm, your arm, your elbow, finally
drinking the juices from the bowl, greedily
tipping it to your mouth, peace
palpitating throughout your core as you finish.

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