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How That 90s Show Could Have Been Better ft. Emily Decker

Hello my field daisies! Today I am joined by my friend Emily Decker to discuss how That 90s Show could have been better. We talk about how it missed the mark compared to the storyline of That 70s show and how we would have written the show differently.

The case of That 90s Show 
Pictured left to right: Jay and Nate (back row) and Nikki, Gwen, Leia, and Ozzie (front row)
The case of That 90s Show
Pictured left to right: Jay and Nate (back row) and Nikki, Gwen, Leia, and Ozzie (front row)

What is That 90s Show About?

In summary, That 90s Show is a reboot of That 70s Show, which aired from 1998-2006 and became a cult classic with its eclectic characters and teenage angst stories of living in a small suburb. That 90s Show follows Eric and Donna from that 70s Show and their daughter, Leia. She decides to stay in Point Place with her grandparents for the summer instead of going to space camp with her dad, where that 70s show was based.


Donna and Leia from That 90s Show sharing a mother-daughter moment
Donna and Leia sharing a mother-daughter moment

Why That 90s Show is not as good as That 70s Show

To start, something we noticed was Leia is nerdier than even Eric. She does not seem like she was raised by Donna, who had so much confidence when she was younger. Donna is also one of the main ones who is a recurring cameo on That 90s Show. She is the one Kitty calls when she thinks Leia is about to lose her virginity and the parent who picks Leia up when the summer is over. It’s apparent they have a strong relationship. So, you would think some of Donna would have rubbed off on Leia.

Leia and Jay holding hands
Leia and Jay holding hands

The writers have made Leia awkward to the point she is uncomfortable to watch. She’s unfortunately not likable as the main character.

Leia in the Forman basement
Leia in the Forman basement

Furthermore, we were invested in that 70s show and the teens it followed because there was depth to these characters. We liked that the cast of 70s show because we were able to follow each character and see their story. For that 90s show, all the characters seem one dimensional and everything is about Leia.

Eric and Donna sitting on Eric's car like they used to when they were kids
Eric and Donna sitting on Eric’s car like they used to when they were kids
Kelso and Jackie sharing a look
Kelso and Jackie sharing a look

In conclusion, That 90s Show felt like it was trying too hard to be funny almost to the point where the humor felt campy and slapstick. It made the mistake of relying too heavily on the success of That 70s Show, instead of giving the kids their own identities and storylines. As a viewer, I felt excitement for the That 70s Show cameos that appeared versus the actual main characters.

Things we think could have made That 90s Show better 

So how could they have made the show better? Emily and I discuss how the writers could have made the show different in our podcast, but here are some of the highlights:

Make Leia badass.

  • Leia should have been more badass instead of a nerd crippled with social anxiety. It would have been more interesting if they would have made Gwen nerdy, and Leia was the one that came and encouraged Gwen to come out of her shell. It would have been more satisfying to see Leia coming into this small town and shaking things up, versus the town changing her.

Make Jay nerdy.

  • Instead of Jay Kelso being a player like his father, they should have made him nerdy. Jackie would have never allowed her son to be a player after everything Kelso did to her. He would have heard the stories of his mother and father and the fact they are getting remarried again would have probably turned him off from being like his dad. This way the audience doesn’t spend the whole show comparing Jay to his father. He could have been his own person.

Give Gwen a tattoo.

  • In Episode 7, Jay, Leia, and Gwen are picking up a drugged-up Kitty from the dentist, and Gwen decides to use this as an opportunity to get Kitty to sign off on her getting an underage tattoo. But to her disappointment, Kitty was the one to get the tattoo instead, which makes no sense. The writers should have made Gwen get the tattoo. This would have been a great way to show Andrea, Gwen’s mother, who acts like a kid throughout the show, to have a real parenting moment. We could have seen a different side of Andrea with her telling Gwen, “I don’t want you to be like me. I want you to be better.” Maybe in the end, it’s revealed the tattoo is a temporary one, showing that Gwen has a soft side, despite her tough exterior. That would have added so much depth to their characters! 

Make Ozzi more closeted.

  • Ozzi should have been a more closeted gay. What would a gay Asian kid really look like in Wisconsin? He would have been trying to blend in with the other boys or at least look more straight around strangers since his friends already knew. Instead of giving him a stereotypical sassy gay attitude, something more subtle would have made the audience sympathize with his struggle more.

Have Kelso cheat on Leia with Nikki.

  • In episode 10, Nate and Leia almost share a kiss, which makes no sense. They had no chemistry or even much interaction the whole season. The only time they really have a moment is in episode 9, when Leia feeds Nate some water because he is too sore from overworking out. What would have made more sense is having Kelso cheat on Leia with Nikki, Nate’s girlfriend. They have spent more time together than Nate and Leia because Kelso is Nate’s best friend. Nikki has even complained in the show that Kelso is always with them like a third wheel. Nikki and Nate are also struggling romantically because Nikki wants to focus on studying and leaving their small town, and Nate feels as if he might get left behind. It would make sense for Nikki to fall for someone like Kelso who is smarter than Nate and more emotionally mature.

To hear more about Emily and my thoughts on how That 90s Show could have been better, check out our podcast episode 🙂

Love y’all thanks for listening!

Hope you have a daisyish day!

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